If you like Seemingly random Capitalization
If you enjoy reading eighteenth-century texts with random words capitalized here and there for no apparent reason, then this keyboard is for you. Things it insists MUST start with caps: Plaza, Cologne, Hahaha, Goodnight... you get the idea. If there were a way to manually edit its dictionary, this could be easily fixed, but there isnt.
It can be stubbornly persistent about accepting overrides to its autocorrect; at times I have to back the cursor up and manually edit characters to force the word I want. It would be nice if the predictive text could be a little more human; often the words it chooses as most likely make zero sense in the composed sentence.
Some words it just. will. not. even. For example, trying to type "yesterday" most often results in either "tartrate," "tartar," "yardage," or "yesteryear" being substituted. Because these are words most people use more than "yesterday." "Should" produces "spotless" or "spotlight." "Probably" gets you "poetically." "Unless" gives you "United." You get the idea.
I sometimes suspect its dictionary must involve crowdsourcing because it suggests combinations that I have never ever typed together (apart from this review). Like LG (Chocolate), Tony (Stewart), Jeff (Gordon), etc. Again, because there is no way to edit the dictionary, there is no way to turn this off.
All that being said, its (usually) faster than the standard predictive keyboard, unless youre up against a word it doesnt like, or dont particularly want to capitalize your laughter.
mercury falling about
Microsoft SwiftKey AI Keyboard, v1.4.8