Use TouchPal instead. Its all that SwiftKey tried to be.
Several bugs persist in the latest release too. Crashes as always.
Here are simple rules that every keyboard should follow:
- If I fix some word, it should leave it alone. So when I return to the word and erase several characters or retype it, the app shouldnt return it back to the error that Im trying to fix.
- After every autoreplace the app should keep my typing as a variant to get it back. When I return to the corrected text, one of the suggestions should be exactly what I have typed, and it should always appear in the same place (either left or center rectangle). I mean every time — even if the word turned into 2 words.
- No word should be erased by replacing with space or empty string.
- The keyboard should show the working globe icon at first, allowing you to switch to other keyboards, and then think about the rest of keys and functions.
- In ideal case, the system functions should be also available, like 2-finger swipe for cursor moving.
- The menu-key with ,!? should be customizable.
1. (This bug appears more rare now, I need to check this.) Russian keyboard sometimes replaces one-letter words by 2 spaces. Examples: " и ", " я ", " к ","В ". Especially after a comma (,). This is very confusing. You may be pretty sure that if your keyboard gives a suggestion with blank string or a space symbol and even replaces something with it, you are doing it wrong. This bug persists after user data reset.
Please fix this.
2. Freezes and crashes too often. Than you can neither open a keyboard to switch to the other, nor use this one. Sometimes you must disable this keyboard or restart the device.
(The latest version produces crashes, which require disabling of keyboard, less often.)
3., 5-6. (Is slowly fixed by other developers. Seems to be a problem with all 3-party keyboards.)
Some apps that require Send key on keyboard or show it, cant use it instantly or cant work at all.
(For instance, Skype team fixed this on their side.)
Old Tweetbot for iPad acts the same when you enter a message. On the mention it allows to type a text, but the mention is sent blank with only a person ID in it. The other variant: all mentions are sent with erasing all the text typed after the latest keyboard fold and unfold.
Tweetbot fixed this in version 4, but non-updating character count can appear in other apps.
Several search fields act as Tweetbot or old Trillian, requiring you to fold and unfold the keyboard to remind it that it has Send (Search) key.
7. (PARTLY FIXED) Wildly interferes with Address Book.
8. Constant bugs in several apps. Say, Byword capitalizes first letter on new line, when you press Return, as it does on start of every sentence. It makes sense if you type lists, rhymes and in most other cases. But SwiftKey fails to capitalize the first letter on new line, sometimes it capitalizes each of the next words as if it was English or American header. It seems like Swift cant see returns in Byword and guess that last word on previous line is part of the next line first word.
I wrote this in Byword App Store review. May be, this is their problem.
9. (Partly fixed by Drafts developer.) Drafts 4 allows to insert text to the document via customizable buttons. After this insertion, SwiftKey looses words boundaries and tries to autocomplete a word starting from the 2 or 3 letter. If you move cursor and then come back, the bug disappears. Testcase: a button inserting a comma sign or other of the type.
10. No option to have separate language switch button as in TouchPal.
11. When you type a word and it autoreplaces it with something, you go back to it and erase unneeded letters. Then you press space and it returns the word to the form it had before you corrected it. This repeats every time. Its perfectly clear that if you correct a word by hand you do it not to see that the app reverted all your changes.
Yes, you may tap a suggestion with your typed text instead. But sometimes it doesnt remember new word even in this case. Also, several keyboards including the system ones do understand when you go back to the typed+replaced word to correct it.
12. No suggestions buttons consistence at all. Several keyboards have left rectangle button for your typed text and center button for the main variant. When you return to the word to correct it,the left variant should preserve your typed text.
This app even forgets your typed variant.
Very poor Support. I received only letters about new started cases for my requests. No sign of life, no comments if those bugs will be fixed (how soon) or if they are in wontfix status. Indeed, the support even havent recognized that my letters included several bugs and requests and opened just one case per letter.
I sent you bugreports with some other bugs.
I will give you 5 stars if those bugs will be fixed.
Русская клавиатура заменяет некоторые союзы, предлоги и другие слова из одной буквы на два пробела. Приходится всё время следить. Крайне неприятно. Примеры: " и ", " я ", " к " заменяются на два пробела. Данные сбрасывал, сразу началось снова. (В предыдущем билде баг присутствует. В новом наверно тоже, сейчас проверяю.)
Есть и другие проблемы, например, оно поправляет слово, перенабираешь, оно снова поправляет и так далее. Системная клавиатура понимает, что, если ты вернулся исправлять слово, значит, не надо тебе мешать и возвращать снова ошибочный вариант.
Поддержка на письма отвечает, но это делает робот, никаких признаков, что они заинтересовались проблемой, или что они не будут её решать, вообще не наблюдается. Только кейсы новые создают. Возможно, у них так много багов, что нет времени всем отвечать.
snusmumric about Microsoft SwiftKey AI Keyboard, v1.4.6